The Deco Collection
June 2020
object design / creative direction / still photography
When the natural beauty of stone meets the geometric and luxurious taste of the 1920s, the result is a masterpiece of opulent proportions. The raw stones are extracted and meticulously processed in-house by Opificio Ticciati, with each stage being meticulously crafted by hand.

The collection comprises a series of casket boxes and perfume bottles in lead crystal glass and semi-precious stone, as well as a design table crafted from onyx and bronze.

Color is enhanced by the brilliance of the lead crystal glass.

The Gatsby Table
Timeless and sophisticated, inspired by Art Deco shapes, with a modernist and geometric taste. The Gatsby table is enriched with hand-chiseled decorations using the "a granito" technique, adding a touch of preciousness. Each leg is meticulously as a solid piece, with every groove individually hand-chiseled.